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Home > 1:35 Scale Moulds > 1:35 Scale Moulds for Walls

1:35 Scale Pier Caps & Wall Coping (Brick) Mould (0350069)

The 1:35 scale pier caps & wall coping mould produces sections of brick used for finishing the top of 1:35 scale piers and walls.

Suitable for adding an oversailing course and brick-on-edge top to 1.5 x 1.5, 1.5 x 2, 2 x 2 and 3 x 3 brick piers and 1 brick thick walls.

The mould also produces a standard course of bricks laying flat for the above sized piers and walls. These can be used to finish off the walls of buildings made with wall sections where the top of the wall is visible.

A few tips on using this mould:
  • Use the glass/plastic method to smooth off the plaster after filling the mould (see beginners guide on the tips & guides page).
  • Use a water resistant/proof PVA type glue to assemble parts.
  • Wet the wall sections with water before filling the gaps between the bricks with mortar coloured Polyfilla (this is why it is advisable to use water resistant glue).
  • All sections are based on our 1:35 scale German standard size bricks.
We recommend:
  • Good quality hard castings plaster.
  • Powder pigments to colour the plaster.
  • The brickwork in the images were cast using Terracotta Casting Plaster with Iron. When filling the mould some black powder pigment was randomly mixed in.

SKU: 1350069

Price: £8.99